Summary of the Express Pest Risk Analysis for Viteus vitifoliae |
PRA area: Poland |
Describe the endangered area: vineyards – southern, south-western part of Poland, greenhouse cultivations- the entire PRA area |
Main conclusions: Viteus vitifoliae (Fitch) is native to North America. Pathogen probably was introduced accidentally in 1860 to Europe. (along with seedlings of american varietes which were resistant to Powdery Mildew and caused serious losses in European vineyards). Rating of the likelihood of impact without phytosanitary measures: High Rating of the likelihood of entry: High (because of unregulated import of plants for planting and significant difficulties in pest detection). Considering climatic conditions and occurence of host plants in PRA area, it is likely that that pest will be able to establish and cause serious losses in cultivations. Pest may spread quickly and can be transmitted with plants for planting, soil and fruits (if imported with leaves). Other, possibile way of entry is transmission with contaminated tools and machinery, clothing, part of plants. Use of resistant rootstocks is the main control measure (especially in place of production).Planting material used for vineyard (new one or renewal) need to be certified and free from V.vitifoliae. Certification Scheme in EU need however be fine-tuned. Systematic control of pathogen or its symptoms occurence is a basic phytosanitary measure. Systematic monitoring of pathogen occurence need to be taken in vineyards. The strictest hygienic measures need to be observes in place of production (taking place only in virus-free places, using thoroughly cleaned or new packages). It will reduce the risk of contamination or spread of virus. Weakened plants are especially vulnerable to infection. Research is ongoing on efficacy of chemical protection in place of production. There is no specific diagnostic tests for Viteus vitifoliae. Fumigated with hexachlorobutadiene and/or hot-water treatment are taken as preventing measures. V. vitifoliae na may cause serious losses in vinified production, production of grape and import of host plants in case of pest occurence in PRA area. |
Phytosanitary risk for the endangered area (Individual ratings for likelihood of entry and establishment, and for magnitude of spread and impact are provided in thedocument) |
High |
X |
Moderate |
☐ |
Low |
☐ |
Level of uncertainty of assessment (see Q 18 for the justification of the rating. Individual ratings of uncertainty of entry, establishment, spread and impact are provided in the document) |
High |
☐ |
Moderate |
☐ |
Low |
X |
Other recommendations: |