Summary of the Express Pest Risk Analysis for Keiferia lycopersicella |
PRA area: Poland |
Describe the endangered area: tomato crops – southern and south-western Poland; glasshouses crops- the entire PRA area |
Main conclusions: K. lycopersicella is tomato and eggplant crops pest. These crops are economic important cultivations in PRA area. Insect causes serious losses in North America. The highest risk of damages will be in Middeartatean region and area of host plants cultivations (in protected conditions). Rating of the likelihood of impact without phytosanitary measures is high because of tomato import from area where K. lycopersicella occurs. Risk will be higher if packaging is adjacent to area of host plant crops. Pest may be transmitted with packages (using in import and harvest) and of tomato/ eggplant seedlings. Considering that risk, all phytosanitary measures need to be taken. Pheromone traps are very sensitive and should be used in place of production in order to detect the pest. Production of seedlings should be carried out under the control and only pest-free plant for planting need be used. Visual controls and pheromone traps are basic phytosanitary measures throughout the growing period. Production require stringent measures to immediately eradicate pest as soon as it occurs. It is necessary to remove plant waste from previous crops, packs and prepare in pest-free place of production, use only new packages. Removing of tomato leaves and branches increase pest detection. Using systemic insecticides before export is possibile option of eraditation, but there is no information if it is sufficiently effective. The quarantine period before export will be too long for seedlings. The risk of pest entry is lower in case of tomato import (for processing or ready-to-eat) in winter period (below 5°C, but K. lycopersicellanie can survive at the lower temperature). Removing of green parts of plant may propably reduce the risk of pest spread. The risk will be reduce in case of immediate plant processing and removal of waste but it is difficult to control in practice. Panel on phytosanitary measures found all methods insufficient to ensure the pest-free import. |
Phytosanitary risk for the endangered area (Individual ratings for likelihood of entry and establishment, and for magnitude of spread and impact are provided in thedocument) |
High |
X |
Moderate |
☐ |
Low |
☐ |
Level of uncertainty of assessment (see Q 18 for the justification of the rating. Individual ratings of uncertainty of entry, establishment, spread and impact are provided in the document) |
High |
☐ |
Moderate |
X |
Low |
☐ |
Other recommendations: |